Merchant Services
Your users can open a merchant account in real time—without ever leaving your site—and process transactions immediately. You earn revenue on every sale. No Abandonment No Waiting No Receivables No Nonsense Instant Funding Lifetime revenue |
Build your app with any language or framework. Use Java, PHP, ASP.NET, CoffeScript, Ruby, Objective-C, Python, or anything else. As long as you can make secure backend https requests, you can use Digitzs. |
As a part of authentication into the Digitzs API, there are different headers that are required to successfully call functions. They are as listed below. x-api-key Authorization appId |
A two-part authentication and authorization process is required in order to access the Digitzs API:
The endpoints that facilitate this process are described below.
Create App Key
Use endpoint Request Parametersdata Response Parametersdata Headersx-api-key |
Verify API Key
Use endpoint Response Parametersdata Headersx-api-key
Create App Token
Use endpoint Request Parametersdata Response Parametersdata Headersx-api-key
Verify App Token
Use endpoint Response Parametersdata HeadersAuthorization
Use the merchant endpoints to store transaction data for your business partners.
Each of these endpoints is described below.
List Merchants
Use endpoint Note: There are no request parameters for this endpoint. Response Parametersmeta HeadersAuthorization
Create Merchant
Use endpoint Request Parametersdata Response Parametersdata HeadersAuthorization
Retrieve Merchant
Use endpoint Note: There are no request parameters for this endpoint. Response Parametersdata HeadersAuthorization
Use the payment endpoints to accept online and mobile payments.
Each of these endpoints is described below.
List Payments
Use endpoint Note: There is no request body for this endpoint. Optional URI parameters are “start” and “end” to specify a date range on payments. See example “Request” on the right. Response Parametersmeta HeadersAuthorization
Create Payment
Use endpoint Request Parametersdata Response Parametersdata HeadersAuthorization
Split Payments
Use endpoint Request Parametersdata Response Parametersdata HeadersAuthorization
Use endpoint Request Parametersdata Response Parametersdata HeadersAuthorization
Retrieve Payment
Use endpoint Note: There are no request parameters for this endpoint. Response Parametersdata HeadersAuthorization
Use the customer endpoints to store information about your business customers.
Each of these endpoints is described below.
List Customers
Use endpoint Note: There are no request parameters for this endpoint. Response Parametersmeta HeadersAuthorization
Create Customer
Use endpoint Request Parametersdata Response Parametersdata HeadersAuthorization
Retrieve Customer
Use endpoint Note: There are no request parameters for this endpoint. Response Parametersdata HeadersAuthorization
Use the token endpoints to store payment information for your business customers.
Each of these endpoints is described below.
List Tokens
Use endpoint Note: There are no request parameters for this endpoint. Response Parametersdata Headerslimit
Create Token
Use endpoint Request Parametersdata Response Parametersdata HeadersAuthorization
Retrieve Token
Use endpoint Note: There are no request parameters for this endpoint. Response Parametersdata HeadersAuthorization
Status codes are issued by a server in response to a client’s request made to the server. They include codes from Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments (RFCs), other specifications, and some additional codes used in some common applications of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). There are five status code categories. The first digit of the status code defines the class of response. The last two digits do not have any class or categorization role.
Click here to learn more about the Digitzs API.